all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 5FN 1 1 51.525565 0.05785
E6 5GB 1 0 51.525565 0.05785
E6 5GE 1 1 51.525565 0.05785
E6 5GF 1 0 51.525565 0.05785
E6 5GY 1 1 51.525565 0.05785
E6 5JG 1 1 51.514386 0.055371
E6 5JJ 73 0 51.51991 0.053703
E6 5JL 40 0 51.520264 0.048861
E6 5JN 11 1 51.519568 0.045962
E6 5JP 1 1 51.514893 0.057758
E6 5JQ 3 3 51.515033 0.055372
E6 5JR 59 0 51.518553 0.052114
E6 5JS 1 1 51.515573 0.056362
E6 5JT 28 0 51.517934 0.051467
E6 5JU 24 0 51.518053 0.052913
E6 5JW 46 0 51.517778 0.049586
E6 5JX 24 0 51.516951 0.052157
E6 5JY 48 0 51.516477 0.049945
E6 5JZ 48 0 51.517474 0.050019
E6 5LH 23 0 51.518001 0.052277