all postcodes in E8 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E8 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E8 2JN 0 51.550805 -0.06728
E8 2JP 8 51.546814 -0.075485
E8 2JS 18 51.547278 -0.075783
E8 2JW 0 51.550984 -0.066133
E8 2JZ 0 51.546842 -0.076217
E8 2LA 1 51.546706 -0.07667
E8 2LE 1 51.549179 -0.074909
E8 2LG 1 51.549122 -0.072546
E8 2LH 0 51.548776 -0.0724
E8 2LJ 1 51.548918 -0.069538
E8 2LL 0 51.549998 -0.069651
E8 2LN 0 51.550522 -0.06924
E8 2LP 2 51.549586 -0.073029
E8 2LQ 0 51.549688 -0.074842
E8 2LR 2 51.549932 -0.072697
E8 2LT 0 51.549215 -0.07342
E8 2LU 0 51.549414 -0.074032
E8 2LX 17 51.54771 -0.074291
E8 2LY 4 51.546924 -0.072435
E8 2LZ 0 51.546924 -0.072435