all postcodes in E9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E9 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E9 5LD 26 1 51.544845 -0.027468
E9 5LE 13 0 51.544981 -0.027477
E9 5LF 7 0 51.544845 -0.027468
E9 5LG 19 16 51.544547 -0.027885
E9 5LH 40 8 51.543841 -0.025492
E9 5LJ 7 0 51.544743 -0.028886
E9 5LL 3 0 51.544784 -0.025942
E9 5LN 22 12 51.544206 -0.02356
E9 5LP 61 0 51.545839 -0.025031
E9 5LQ 5 0 51.544646 -0.025789
E9 5LR 50 0 51.545257 -0.024696
E9 5LS 10 0 51.545013 -0.02886
E9 5LT 32 1 51.544131 -0.026662
E9 5LU 40 0 51.54531 -0.026193
E9 5LX 10 2 51.544302 -0.026179
E9 5LZ 9 0 51.544523 -0.026458
E9 5NA 9 0 51.545037 -0.029219
E9 5NB 4 2 51.544664 -0.025083
E9 5ND 1 1 51.546152 -0.025493
E9 5NE 1 1 51.54525 -0.029599