all postcodes in EC4Y / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC4Y postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC4Y 7EN 3 0 51.51156 -0.108588
EC4Y 7EP 4 1 51.512583 -0.109457
EC4Y 7EQ 2 1 51.511848 -0.108576
EC4Y 7ET 3 0 51.51241 -0.109418
EC4Y 7EU 4 1 51.512313 -0.109523
EC4Y 7EX 4 2 51.512142 -0.109403
EC4Y 7HB 6 4 51.512048 -0.109289
EC4Y 7HH 2 1 51.51253 -0.110583
EC4Y 7HJ 1 1 51.51251 -0.110624
EC4Y 7HL 1 1 51.512963 -0.109697
EC4Y 7HR 1 1 51.513071 -0.108598
EC4Y 7HS 1 1 51.524565 -0.112042
EC4Y 7DA 1 1 51.512919 -0.109645
EC4Y 8AA 3 3 51.513772 -0.10632
EC4Y 8AE 5 5 51.513646 -0.106747
EC4Y 8AP 2 2 51.513225 -0.106317
EC4Y 8AU 1 1 51.513769 -0.1056
EC4Y 8AX 4 3 51.513667 -0.108198
EC4Y 8AY 1 1 51.513922 -0.107856
EC4Y 8BH 3 3 51.513995 -0.107334