all postcodes in EN1 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN1 1QU 60 8 51.64744 -0.065026
EN1 1QX 37 0 51.649392 -0.065287
EN1 1QY 10 0 51.65036 -0.065058
EN1 1QZ 12 0 51.650136 -0.064027
EN1 1RB 38 0 51.647445 -0.063317
EN1 1RD 27 0 51.649085 -0.063522
EN1 1RE 43 0 51.647501 -0.062939
EN1 1RF 24 0 51.649042 -0.063148
EN1 1RG 18 1 51.649647 -0.062212
EN1 1RH 27 0 51.64683 -0.061479
EN1 1RJ 29 0 51.648411 -0.061383
EN1 1RL 28 0 51.647638 -0.06195
EN1 1RN 40 0 51.64895 -0.062458
EN1 1RQ 10 0 51.649258 -0.060927
EN1 1RT 25 11 51.652161 -0.076185
EN1 1SA 27 5 51.65235 -0.074008
EN1 1SG 32 0 51.645966 -0.060923
EN1 1SH 30 26 51.643101 -0.05716
EN1 1SJ 8 8 51.651497 -0.056076
EN1 1SL 1 1 51.646108 -0.058099