all postcodes in EN1 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN1 3DF 26 0 51.653992 -0.074878
EN1 3DG 4 0 51.653457 -0.075667
EN1 3DH 37 0 51.65535 -0.07378
EN1 3DJ 28 0 51.655645 -0.07423
EN1 3DL 4 0 51.655856 -0.071734
EN1 3DN 36 0 51.656213 -0.073758
EN1 3DP 8 0 51.656114 -0.072678
EN1 3DQ 14 0 51.654622 -0.074881
EN1 3DR 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 3DS 31 0 51.656125 -0.07061
EN1 3DU 41 0 51.657688 -0.069951
EN1 3DW 14 0 51.656648 -0.071744
EN1 3DX 38 0 51.658878 -0.069004
EN1 3DY 17 0 51.656383 -0.070989
EN1 3DZ 3 0 51.655301 -0.071874
EN1 3EA 1 1 51.65682 -0.058754
EN1 3EB 1 1 51.654392 -0.081194
EN1 3ED 4 4 51.652475 -0.080872
EN1 3EE 1 1 51.652472 -0.080899
EN1 3EF 40 14 51.652907 -0.080377