all postcodes in EN1 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN1 4DS 3 2 51.668849 -0.054769
EN1 4DU 21 0 51.661838 -0.05932
EN1 4DX 20 0 51.663144 -0.059438
EN1 4DY 17 0 51.664076 -0.058661
EN1 4DZ 26 0 51.66207 -0.059759
EN1 4EA 37 0 51.664207 -0.059552
EN1 4EH 36 0 51.666553 -0.052944
EN1 4EJ 30 0 51.666983 -0.053967
EN1 4EL 36 0 51.667468 -0.054452
EN1 4EN 36 0 51.667942 -0.053738
EN1 4EP 36 0 51.667294 -0.053173
EN1 4ER 30 0 51.667109 -0.051792
EN1 4ES 30 0 51.666693 -0.051637
EN1 4EU 44 0 51.665639 -0.051523
EN1 4EW 42 0 51.667703 -0.052924
EN1 4EX 14 0 51.665049 -0.055004
EN1 4EY 13 0 51.665034 -0.053544
EN1 4EZ 30 0 51.663728 -0.052877
EN1 4HA 33 0 51.663556 -0.053362
EN1 4HB 29 0 51.661987 -0.052576