all postcodes in EN2 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN2 6LE 5 51.651912 -0.081633
EN2 6LF 1 51.651913 -0.081891
EN2 6LJ 1 51.652399 -0.083605
EN2 6LL 1 51.652708 -0.082667
EN2 6LN 1 51.653086 -0.083244
EN2 6LP 0 51.653089 -0.083217
EN2 6LS 1 51.652409 -0.081957
EN2 6LU 9 51.652408 -0.08135
EN2 6LT 1 51.652298 -0.081802
EN2 6LX 1 51.651963 -0.080573
EN2 6LY 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN2 6NB 0 51.655209 -0.088072
EN2 6ND 0 51.658529 -0.088349
EN2 6NF 4 51.656703 -0.088325
EN2 6NG 0 51.657165 -0.089086
EN2 6NH 0 51.657696 -0.089107
EN2 6NJ 4 51.658653 -0.088243
EN2 6NL 1 51.657386 -0.087747
EN2 6NN 9 51.659154 -0.087571
EN2 6NP 0 51.656342 -0.087675