all postcodes in EN2 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN2 0DU 13 0 51.66564 -0.079966
EN2 0DW 9 5 51.664077 -0.081189
EN2 0DX 62 0 51.664891 -0.081444
EN2 0DY 29 0 51.666484 -0.08048
EN2 0DZ 10 0 51.667263 -0.079681
EN2 0EA 10 0 51.667872 -0.079554
EN2 0EB 8 0 51.668157 -0.079947
EN2 0ED 20 0 51.666347 -0.080891
EN2 0EE 16 0 51.667476 -0.080612
EN2 0EF 1 1 51.667531 -0.083229
EN2 0EH 12 0 51.664572 -0.082311
EN2 0EJ 22 2 51.666661 -0.083032
EN2 0EL 12 0 51.665082 -0.082723
EN2 0EN 14 0 51.665545 -0.082978
EN2 0ER 28 0 51.665675 -0.086009
EN2 0ES 47 0 51.666216 -0.084396
EN2 0ET 23 0 51.666577 -0.084511
EN2 0EU 23 0 51.666691 -0.085967
EN2 0EW 20 0 51.66598 -0.083191
EN2 0EX 17 0 51.666087 -0.08644