all postcodes in EN3 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN3 4UE 32 1 51.645435 -0.036518
EN3 4UF 13 0 51.643934 -0.036583
EN3 4UG 4 0 51.643882 -0.035646
EN3 4UH 18 0 51.643756 -0.035059
EN3 4UJ 36 0 51.644393 -0.034861
EN3 4UL 32 0 51.644999 -0.034545
EN3 4UP 6 0 51.645768 -0.033859
EN3 4UQ 9 1 51.645423 -0.035163
EN3 4XX 1 1 51.643618 -0.029515
EN3 4NG 6 0 51.642883 -0.042034
EN3 4NE 3 0 51.643017 -0.042
EN3 4ND 6 0 51.643143 -0.041965
EN3 4EG 12 0 51.647648 -0.046295
EN3 4RT 9 0 51.647432 -0.045712
EN3 4LH 0 51.642906 -0.042308
EN3 4EF 21 4 51.641443 -0.046837
EN3 4FD 5 0 51.64469 -0.049024
EN3 4NQ 11 10 51.638261 -0.03384
EN3 4FG 12 0 51.646566 -0.04666
EN3 4FE 52 0 51.647561 -0.052442