all postcodes in EN4 / BARNET

find any address or company within the EN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN4 9BH 42 0 51.654749 -0.173501
EN4 9BQ 15 0 51.655078 -0.173242
EN4 9BS 9 0 51.653995 -0.168963
EN4 9BT 20 0 51.654477 -0.169883
EN4 9BU 15 1 51.654626 -0.167119
EN4 9BX 38 0 51.654874 -0.16245
EN4 9BY 40 0 51.654664 -0.162806
EN4 9BZ 1 1 51.643012 -0.171038
EN4 9DD 16 7 51.652478 -0.160816
EN4 9DE 34 0 51.654224 -0.164573
EN4 9DF 27 1 51.653525 -0.162433
EN4 9DG 22 0 51.653968 -0.166394
EN4 9DH 28 0 51.6546 -0.164257
EN4 9DJ 30 0 51.653884 -0.162176
EN4 9DL 14 0 51.653731 -0.160126
EN4 9DN 40 0 51.654935 -0.161176
EN4 9DP 11 0 51.655861 -0.161774
EN4 9DQ 11 0 51.655618 -0.164589
EN4 9DS 22 0 51.652755 -0.158055
EN4 9DU 19 0 51.651958 -0.15774