all postcodes in EN6 / POTTERS BAR

find any address or company within the EN6 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN6 3JA 18 0 51.693815 -0.209953
EN6 3JB 1 1 51.705374 -0.200784
EN6 3JF 1 1 51.704556 -0.20196
EN6 3LD 1 1 51.688922 -0.237765
EN6 3LF 6 1 51.686204 -0.237017
EN6 3LH 18 1 51.688492 -0.246289
EN6 3LJ 9 0 51.689708 -0.242871
EN6 3LL 8 0 51.689764 -0.241783
EN6 3LN 3 0 51.689169 -0.243499
EN6 3LP 7 2 51.689405 -0.24485
EN6 3LQ 5 0 51.69802 -0.234662
EN6 3LR 4 0 51.690678 -0.245486
EN6 3LS 1 0 51.694281 -0.247382
EN6 3LT 7 4 51.693817 -0.241033
EN6 3LU 3 0 51.695031 -0.246456
EN6 3LW 2 0 51.688357 -0.246588
EN6 3LX 7 0 51.696548 -0.254404
EN6 3LY 6 0 51.693863 -0.259827
EN6 3LZ 2 1 51.702891 -0.254594
EN6 3NA 7 5 51.709914 -0.254941