all postcodes in EN9 / WALTHAM ABBEY

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Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN9 2DL 2 0 51.744785 0.061885
EN9 2DN 6 0 51.735388 0.04541
EN9 2BD 1 0 51.734238 0.044984
EN9 2DQ 6 0 51.744115 0.058177
EN9 2DU 36 0 51.692555 0.001288
EN9 2HJ 25 0 51.734031 0.012215
EN9 2DY 11 2 51.725036 0.016565
EN9 2DZ 43 0 51.693372 0.001397
EN9 2EA 2 0 51.7215 0.009064
EN9 2EB 6 0 51.717425 0.017283
EN9 2ED 8 0 51.705703 -0.0056
EN9 2EE 5 1 51.708438 -0.003077
EN9 2EF 4 0 51.707871 -0.003044
EN9 2EG 3 1 51.717468 0.001621
EN9 2EH 2 0 51.70876 -0.001603
EN9 2EJ 5 0 51.708578 0.004022
EN9 2EL 2 0 51.708997 0.005036
EN9 2EN 4 0 51.70967 0.006224
EN9 2EP 16 0 51.704717 0.00265
EN9 2ER 2 2 51.694968 0.000107