all postcodes in FY1 / BLACKPOOL

find any address or company within the FY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

FY / Blackpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FY1 1LB 6 5 53.819632 -3.05374
FY1 1LE 1 1 53.819196 -3.054721
FY1 1LF 14 7 53.81936 -3.053035
FY1 1LL 14 7 53.81998 -3.052416
FY1 1LR 18 11 53.819789 -3.051682
FY1 1LY 1 1 53.818634 -3.05419
FY1 1NA 1 1 53.818696 -3.051848
FY1 1NB 1 1 53.818696 -3.051848
FY1 1NE 1 1 53.815964 -3.055247
FY1 1NG 1 1 53.819199 -3.055374
FY1 1NH 15 3 53.819965 -3.053145
FY1 1NL 29 5 53.819866 -3.053761
FY1 1PD 6 4 53.820081 -3.054257
FY1 1PP 7 4 53.820516 -3.053797
FY1 1PU 50 2 53.820429 -3.052028
FY1 1PX 1 1 53.820568 -3.053084
FY1 1PZ 14 2 53.821055 -3.052793
FY1 1QL 36 10 53.821347 -3.052917
FY1 1QN 1 1 53.818782 -3.051672
FY1 1QT 2 0 53.820448 -3.05493