all postcodes in FY2 / BLACKPOOL

find any address or company within the FY2 postcode district

Postcode Area

FY / Blackpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FY2 0GU 0 53.856436 -3.021297
FY2 0PQ 1 0 53.851785 -3.028085
FY2 0RZ 0 53.834777 -3.031498
FY2 0FQ 11 0 53.856837 -3.020206
FY2 0AF 48 0 53.856849 -3.02976
FY2 0SQ 1 53.854143 -3.021393
FY2 0FX 11 0 53.857026 -3.019608
FY2 0XX 1 1 53.855192 -3.020227
FY2 0FU 6 0 53.85635 -3.036204
FY2 0FZ 4 0 53.856515 -3.035797