all postcodes in G1 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G1 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 4QN 5 55.856732 -4.259451
G1 4QP 1 55.85671 -4.259496
G1 4QR 3 55.856793 -4.260078
G1 4RJ 1 55.856379 -4.260597
G1 4RT 4 55.856987 -4.249765
G1 4RZ 13 55.85682 -4.249278
G1 4SP 1 55.854428 -4.250128
G1 4WA 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G1 4PD 0 55.85726 -4.260375
G1 4PG 0 55.857702 -4.260003
G1 4EU 22 0 55.855225 -4.252251
G1 4ET 72 0 55.855426 -4.252071
G1 4RU 3 3 55.856977 -4.265713
G1 4NL 1 1 55.857279 -4.256397
G1 4HS 1 0 55.855927 -4.251189
G1 4AB 1 0 55.857282 -4.251811