all postcodes in G1 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G1 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G1 5PP 0 55.85457 -4.243314
G1 5PQ 0 55.854669 -4.242361
G1 5PR 1 55.854502 -4.244077
G1 5PS 0 55.853989 -4.243842
G1 5PT 0 55.854476 -4.24526
G1 5PU 1 55.854314 -4.245536
G1 5PX 1 55.853772 -4.242708
G1 5PY 0 55.853961 -4.241713
G1 5QA 0 55.851829 -4.243827
G1 5QH 14 55.856142 -4.247335
G1 5QN 5 55.855949 -4.246046
G1 5QP 3 55.85671 -4.246729
G1 5QT 3 55.856094 -4.247013
G1 5QZ 3 55.856737 -4.246235
G1 5RA 4 55.856189 -4.246429
G1 5RB 9 55.855488 -4.246452
G1 5RH 0 55.856359 -4.24722
G1 5RJ 5 55.856168 -4.245387
G1 5RP 1 55.856653 -4.247876
G1 5RY 1 55.857577 -4.248666