all postcodes in G11 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G11 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G11 6LU 25 0 55.871638 -4.327006
G11 6NA 42 1 55.87188 -4.327052
G11 6NB 28 3 55.872008 -4.327875
G11 6NT 1 1 55.870949 -4.295939
G11 6NU 1 1 55.870367 -4.296606
G11 6NX 37 9 55.870258 -4.2978
G11 6NY 31 4 55.870427 -4.298656
G11 6PA 1 1 55.870949 -4.295939
G11 6PB 2 0 55.870604 -4.291779
G11 6PD 2 1 55.869766 -4.295741
G11 6PE 94 4 55.869678 -4.296631
G11 6PG 32 1 55.869466 -4.298825
G11 6PJ 8 0 55.869569 -4.299852
G11 6PL 29 0 55.869821 -4.299803
G11 6PN 25 2 55.870206 -4.299442
G11 6PQ 69 1 55.86904 -4.299293
G11 6PR 30 5 55.870221 -4.299091
G11 6PT 4 0 55.870472 -4.300113
G11 6PU 32 0 55.869529 -4.300235
G11 6PW 25 9 55.870016 -4.29852