all postcodes in G15 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G15 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G15 8LY 1 55.910536 -4.373132
G15 8LZ 1 55.910284 -4.373165
G15 8NB 7 55.910146 -4.372372
G15 8NE 1 55.909672 -4.372247
G15 8NH 3 55.909245 -4.374062
G15 8NS 9 55.908077 -4.374374
G15 8NT 0 55.90782 -4.378838
G15 8NU 0 55.907722 -4.381088
G15 8NX 0 55.907744 -4.383186
G15 8NZ 0 55.907714 -4.384752
G15 8PA 4 55.90834 -4.385366
G15 8PD 0 55.908247 -4.383665
G15 8PE 0 55.908204 -4.38171
G15 8PF 0 55.908206 -4.379774
G15 8PG 0 55.908595 -4.379654
G15 8PH 0 55.908599 -4.383622
G15 8PL 0 55.909161 -4.383385
G15 8PR 2 55.909082 -4.380484
G15 8PP 0 55.908866 -4.37863
G15 8PQ 0 55.908549 -4.381555