all postcodes in G15 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G15 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G15 7NN 0 55.913912 -4.350854
G15 7NP 0 55.912355 -4.372011
G15 7NR 0 55.91414 -4.356773
G15 7NU 0 55.912313 -4.350341
G15 7NW 0 55.913009 -4.349631
G15 7NX 0 55.91158 -4.350121
G15 7NY 0 55.911255 -4.350661
G15 7NZ 0 55.9117 -4.35088
G15 7PA 0 55.912542 -4.350724
G15 7PB 0 55.912089 -4.351224
G15 7PD 0 55.91148 -4.352035
G15 7PE 0 55.912973 -4.359487
G15 7PF 0 55.911648 -4.352653
G15 7PG 0 55.91281 -4.358645
G15 7PH 0 55.911626 -4.353804
G15 7PR 0 55.912156 -4.359453
G15 7PS 0 55.911592 -4.360267
G15 7PU 0 55.91216 -4.358781
G15 7PX 1 55.911976 -4.357122
G15 7QA 0 55.912339 -4.35556