all postcodes in G2 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G2 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G2 4LL 1 1 55.863549 -4.264863
G2 4LP 63 0 55.865041 -4.267795
G2 4LY 1 0 55.863044 -4.266912
G2 4NA 1 1 55.865664 -4.270596
G2 4NB 15 0 55.864489 -4.266564
G2 4NG 10 2 55.865196 -4.266238
G2 4NJ 1 1 55.86401 -4.267192
G2 4NQ 7 5 55.865015 -4.270401
G2 4NY 26 0 55.865714 -4.267882
G2 4PB 11 10 55.863674 -4.268516
G2 4PG 1 1 55.864687 -4.268941
G2 4PH 1 1 55.863796 -4.269992
G2 4PP 1 1 55.864897 -4.269785
G2 4PQ 18 3 55.865551 -4.268416
G2 4PR 3 3 55.864666 -4.269805
G2 4PS 1 1 55.864328 -4.268936
G2 4PT 1 1 55.86423 -4.268613
G2 4QE 3 0 55.86278 -4.26196
G2 4QY 16 13 55.863114 -4.261388
G2 4RE 1 1 55.863428 -4.261181