all postcodes in G2 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G2 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G2 8DU 6 5 55.857864 -4.260729
G2 8EX 1 1 55.858647 -4.266048
G2 8HA 14 12 55.858676 -4.25814
G2 8HZ 1 1 55.858226 -4.261613
G2 8JB 11 8 55.857649 -4.261406
G2 8JF 1 0 55.857624 -4.261578
G2 8AB 1 1 55.857624 -4.261578
G2 8JX 45 8 55.858301 -4.262385
G2 8LA 1 1 55.857252 -4.263428
G2 8LE 1 1 55.85849 -4.262364
G2 8LH 1 1 55.859458 -4.265952
G2 8LL 1 1 55.858802 -4.264221
G2 8LP 1 0 55.85859 -4.261363
G2 8LR 3 3 55.858911 -4.264627
G2 8LT 36 2 55.85874 -4.263659
G2 8LU 1 1 55.857053 -4.264471
G2 8LY 15 10 55.858949 -4.261847
G2 8ND 83 0 55.859221 -4.263189
G2 8NE 83 0 55.859221 -4.263189
G2 8NF 58 2 55.858457 -4.264183