all postcodes in G21 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G21 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G21 1RX 75 0 55.87862 -4.233989
G21 1SE 82 0 55.877557 -4.233624
G21 1SF 51 1 55.880764 -4.233201
G21 1SL 4 4 55.881454 -4.232524
G21 1SR 53 0 55.879741 -4.235077
G21 1ST 39 1 55.879963 -4.235713
G21 1SU 36 0 55.879724 -4.23701
G21 1SX 32 0 55.879584 -4.23777
G21 1TA 23 0 55.88387 -4.230421
G21 1TD 19 2 55.883563 -4.2305
G21 1TE 14 0 55.883382 -4.229578
G21 1TF 12 0 55.882917 -4.230415
G21 1TG 10 0 55.88281 -4.230904
G21 1TH 19 0 55.88345 -4.231277
G21 1TN 2 2 55.874108 -4.235667
G21 1TP 1 1 55.883509 -4.228212
G21 1TQ 12 0 55.883024 -4.231476
G21 1TR 1 1 55.882676 -4.22906
G21 1TS 21 19 55.883514 -4.228226
G21 1TU 1 1 55.882251 -4.229481