all postcodes in G2 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G2 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G2 2LB 48 29 55.862301 -4.258478
G2 2LD 1 1 55.862436 -4.259143
G2 2LW 9 8 55.862552 -4.260157
G2 2ND 14 11 55.862588 -4.26094
G2 2NR 16 4 55.862857 -4.259022
G2 2PG 1 1 55.862997 -4.260406
G2 2PQ 17 16 55.86293 -4.260131
G2 2QD 10 9 55.863557 -4.258297
G2 2QZ 18 16 55.863313 -4.257178
G2 2RA 34 1 55.86322 -4.25639
G2 2RQ 17 16 55.863679 -4.259998
G2 2SA 1 1 55.863363 -4.260076
G2 2SD 7 7 55.863339 -4.259867
G2 2SG 4 3 55.863438 -4.260638
G2 2SZ 10 9 55.864001 -4.259376
G2 2TG 1 1 55.862171 -4.257913
G2 2TH 2 2 55.862928 -4.257588
G2 2TJ 5 3 55.863059 -4.257533
G2 2TL 1 1 55.863072 -4.257564
G2 2TU 3 3 55.863652 -4.257294