all postcodes in G33 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G33 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G33 6FB 15 55.893992 -4.129856
G33 6GL 67 0 55.892699 -4.138566
G33 6FF 20 0 55.892426 -4.141333
G33 6GN 0 55.885683 -4.128585
G33 6FH 2 2 55.893954 -4.140062
G33 6JF 0 55.891668 -4.142027
G33 6LS 0 55.891664 -4.141243
G33 6FJ 45 0 55.885791 -4.146165
G33 6FL 38 0 55.88464 -4.146709
G33 6FN 8 0 55.88487 -4.147921
G33 6FP 23 0 55.886292 -4.146784
G33 6FW 4 0 55.883793 -4.143947
G33 6FT 2 0 55.8839 -4.142978
G33 6FS 11 0 55.884234 -4.144192
G33 6FR 23 0 55.884529 -4.144548
G33 6FQ 6 1 55.885141 -4.144226
G33 6FY 3 0 55.884657 -4.143403
G33 6GS 67 0 55.886412 -4.123001
G33 6GT 10 0 55.886838 -4.124911
G33 6GU 16 0 55.887781 -4.124419