all postcodes in G33 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G33 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G33 1TJ 32 0 55.897599 -4.183015
G33 1PA 21 0 55.87386 -4.193847
G33 1PB 41 0 55.873986 -4.194845
G33 1QD 24 0 55.877108 -4.180473
G33 1TL 9 0 55.895189 -4.187134
G33 1AQ 3 55.891135 -4.183358
G33 1HE 1 1 55.878219 -4.194317
G33 1PH 3 0 55.898601 -4.18197
G33 1PJ 18 0 55.89827 -4.180848
G33 1PN 15 0 55.898337 -4.178628
G33 1PP 6 0 55.898236 -4.180238
G33 1FB 6 0 55.899326 -4.1791
G33 1FD 6 0 55.898809 -4.177343
G33 2AA 7 55.867355 -4.193224
G33 2AB 0 55.868277 -4.191902
G33 2AD 0 55.868906 -4.191141
G33 2AE 0 55.869085 -4.191199
G33 2AF 0 55.869857 -4.195028
G33 2AG 0 55.869903 -4.193448
G33 2AH 0 55.870382 -4.193331