all postcodes in G34 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G34 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G34 9PR 18 0 55.872281 -4.127644
G34 9PS 12 0 55.872436 -4.128807
G34 9PT 23 0 55.872386 -4.128321
G34 9PU 21 0 55.873348 -4.127782
G34 9PW 10 0 55.872653 -4.126945
G34 9PX 19 0 55.872888 -4.126303
G34 9PY 11 0 55.872212 -4.12593
G34 9PZ 7 0 55.87198 -4.126892
G34 9QA 21 0 55.871703 -4.125726
G34 9QB 17 0 55.872954 -4.128752
G34 9QD 20 0 55.872984 -4.129585
G34 9QE 46 0 55.873352 -4.125992
G34 9QF 26 0 55.873702 -4.128121
G34 9QG 49 1 55.873314 -4.125095
G34 9QH 36 0 55.874215 -4.125991
G34 9QJ 42 0 55.873663 -4.12465
G34 9QL 37 0 55.873018 -4.123496
G34 9QN 3 3 55.872056 -4.125058
G34 9QQ 14 0 55.873168 -4.124671
G34 9RB 16 0 55.865619 -4.10743