all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G31 2JJ 8 0 55.862411 -4.22478
G31 2JL 1 0 55.863033 -4.223202
G31 2JN 4 0 55.862138 -4.225004
G31 2JQ 3 1 55.862168 -4.223554
G31 2JS 35 1 55.861709 -4.226849
G31 2JT 32 0 55.861577 -4.227673
G31 2JU 9 0 55.861905 -4.227436
G31 2JW 8 4 55.862519 -4.225266
G31 2LD 45 4 55.858886 -4.220935
G31 2LF 34 3 55.858823 -4.220436
G31 2LG 32 0 55.858976 -4.21968
G31 2LH 27 3 55.858706 -4.219455
G31 2LJ 16 2 55.85861 -4.21881
G31 2LN 15 0 55.859544 -4.218831
G31 2LP 31 0 55.859637 -4.219668
G31 2LQ 30 0 55.859265 -4.21987
G31 2LR 16 0 55.860164 -4.218851
G31 2LS 50 1 55.860981 -4.219377
G31 2LT 16 0 55.860636 -4.2188
G31 2LU 16 0 55.861274 -4.218821