all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G31 2TA 54 0 55.862201 -4.212527
G31 2TB 31 1 55.862492 -4.21184
G31 2TD 17 2 55.862638 -4.212695
G31 2TE 9 1 55.86295 -4.213864
G31 2TF 34 0 55.862931 -4.214422
G31 2TG 6 0 55.86254 -4.214687
G31 2TJ 30 0 55.862992 -4.215017
G31 2TL 3 2 55.863068 -4.215788
G31 2TN 8 0 55.862748 -4.216601
G31 2TW 1 1 55.862481 -4.213168
G31 2TX 13 2 55.861359 -4.21136
G31 2TY 8 0 55.861872 -4.211309
G31 2UB 23 0 55.862746 -4.211183
G31 2UD 33 1 55.862577 -4.210087
G31 2UF 38 1 55.862313 -4.209768
G31 2UG 36 2 55.862513 -4.209156
G31 2UH 52 3 55.861985 -4.20903
G31 2UL 37 4 55.862373 -4.208429
G31 2UU 11 0 55.858647 -4.216767
G31 2UX 23 0 55.858738 -4.216181