all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G4 0DT 1 1 55.867153 -4.244984
G4 0DU 1 0 55.866923 -4.245081
G4 0DX 1 1 55.868164 -4.252409
G4 0EB 2 1 55.86805 -4.238659
G4 0ED 1 1 55.86868 -4.242052
G4 0ES 1 1 55.86863 -4.255441
G4 0ET 1 1 55.864317 -4.237147
G4 0EZ 1 1 55.869389 -4.237007
G4 0HF 85 7 55.867633 -4.25492
G4 0HJ 48 2 55.867609 -4.255448
G4 0HP 1 1 55.867575 -4.247724
G4 0HQ 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G4 0HR 2 2 55.867894 -4.255097
G4 0HS 1 1 55.868802 -4.250162
G4 0HU 33 0 55.869515 -4.258593
G4 0HW 26 3 55.867202 -4.255089
G4 0HX 2 1 55.867506 -4.256609
G4 0HY 1 1 55.868495 -4.257895
G4 0HZ 1 1 55.869141 -4.25469
G4 0JE 1 1 55.867759 -4.2482