all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G4 0YU 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G4 0EF 2 2 55.867558 -4.240005
G4 0HL 50 0 55.866822 -4.255226
G4 0PS 1 55.864152 -4.240528
G4 0SZ 52 0 55.856566 -4.237357
G4 0GE 1 55.862394 -4.243287
G4 0NL 1 55.86222 -4.238499
G4 0RE 1 1 55.862872 -4.241685
G4 0SX 0 55.85738 -4.242517
G4 0WX 1 55.859166 -4.23423
G4 0AN 36 0 55.857405 -4.24263
G4 0QW 3 3 55.860109 -4.239238
G4 0UB 74 0 55.859034 -4.236782
G4 0UD 60 0 55.859039 -4.23678
G4 0QN 1 55.860663 -4.237674
G4 0HT 1 55.868522 -4.252989
G4 0RP 3 2 55.862243 -4.239236
G4 0SA 2 2 55.864941 -4.235667
G4 0AJ 0 55.859733 -4.237667
G4 0AL 78 0 55.859733 -4.237667