all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 2PE 7 7 55.840671 -4.267094
G41 2PF 49 2 55.839486 -4.267009
G41 2PJ 36 2 55.838712 -4.267813
G41 2PL 81 0 55.838927 -4.26859
G41 2PN 31 0 55.838313 -4.268714
G41 2PP 1 1 55.838444 -4.270161
G41 2PT 32 0 55.837766 -4.271094
G41 2PW 17 0 55.838291 -4.269415
G41 2PX 53 0 55.837538 -4.270298
G41 2PY 38 0 55.837392 -4.270912
G41 2PZ 5 2 55.837032 -4.270701
G41 2QB 19 4 55.837251 -4.269291
G41 2QE 27 3 55.837534 -4.269068
G41 2QF 1 1 55.837852 -4.268879
G41 2QG 34 8 55.837335 -4.268641
G41 2QQ 32 5 55.837949 -4.268006
G41 2QR 2 1 55.830993 -4.277439
G41 2QS 14 1 55.830981 -4.278347
G41 2QX 26 1 55.839082 -4.273806
G41 2QY 20 0 55.839269 -4.274376