all postcodes in G44 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G44 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G44 5EA 10 0 55.812381 -4.252776
G44 5EB 14 0 55.812718 -4.252061
G44 5EH 12 8 55.810464 -4.245052
G44 5EL 15 7 55.810145 -4.245305
G44 5EN 30 0 55.809379 -4.248868
G44 5EP 2 0 55.808281 -4.250642
G44 5ER 34 0 55.809248 -4.250632
G44 5ES 24 0 55.809918 -4.248883
G44 5ET 41 0 55.810157 -4.248577
G44 5EU 6 0 55.810104 -4.251447
G44 5EX 34 0 55.809509 -4.251556
G44 5EY 11 0 55.810439 -4.252328
G44 5EZ 33 0 55.809817 -4.254399
G44 5HB 1 1 55.815283 -4.227644
G44 5HH 11 7 55.810676 -4.244045
G44 5HL 15 1 55.815246 -4.24156
G44 5HN 32 0 55.811066 -4.243602
G44 5HS 17 0 55.812073 -4.242559
G44 5HT 24 0 55.812467 -4.240682
G44 5HU 24 0 55.811966 -4.2396