all postcodes in G44 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G44 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G44 3LH 16 0 55.811031 -4.269967
G44 3LL 44 10 55.810564 -4.270434
G44 3LN 8 0 55.809868 -4.270665
G44 3LP 16 0 55.809209 -4.271281
G44 3LR 45 0 55.810369 -4.269816
G44 3LS 2 0 55.810048 -4.268938
G44 3LT 16 0 55.810501 -4.268499
G44 3LU 2 0 55.810614 -4.267487
G44 3LW 47 4 55.809663 -4.271036
G44 3LY 15 0 55.79983 -4.275952
G44 3LZ 28 0 55.800957 -4.274773
G44 3NE 19 0 55.813524 -4.261956
G44 3NF 26 0 55.813411 -4.264425
G44 3NG 6 0 55.811996 -4.266368
G44 3NH 1 0 55.813494 -4.260693
G44 3NJ 4 0 55.8131 -4.263511
G44 3NL 16 0 55.812488 -4.264561
G44 3NN 6 0 55.811889 -4.264893
G44 3NP 16 0 55.812887 -4.262413
G44 3NQ 34 0 55.813216 -4.264077