all postcodes in G45 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G45 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G45 0ED 37 0 55.806842 -4.219294
G45 0EE 9 1 55.806785 -4.218493
G45 0EJ 11 0 55.803587 -4.217928
G45 0EL 23 1 55.804208 -4.221841
G45 0EN 32 0 55.80449 -4.219655
G45 0EP 15 0 55.804624 -4.215753
G45 0EQ 2 2 55.804315 -4.229126
G45 0ER 31 1 55.8044 -4.217655
G45 0ES 19 0 55.804114 -4.215628
G45 0ET 9 0 55.803633 -4.217356
G45 0EU 32 0 55.805062 -4.217647
G45 0EW 34 0 55.804134 -4.217002
G45 0EX 48 0 55.805515 -4.219665
G45 0EY 46 0 55.806237 -4.218494
G45 0EZ 32 0 55.806489 -4.218955
G45 0HA 35 0 55.806949 -4.215885
G45 0HB 36 0 55.807001 -4.214005
G45 0HD 8 0 55.802337 -4.221194
G45 0HE 25 1 55.805795 -4.214559
G45 0HF 36 8 55.805363 -4.214135