all postcodes in G45 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G45 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G45 9EX 30 0 55.809104 -4.240776
G45 9EY 36 0 55.808608 -4.241354
G45 9EZ 29 0 55.808799 -4.239769
G45 9HA 27 0 55.808499 -4.239196
G45 9HB 28 0 55.808509 -4.242338
G45 9HD 55 0 55.809412 -4.242598
G45 9HE 43 0 55.809431 -4.238388
G45 9HF 36 0 55.809078 -4.237264
G45 9HG 27 0 55.809428 -4.23481
G45 9HH 22 0 55.810648 -4.231018
G45 9HJ 18 0 55.81031 -4.231286
G45 9HN 51 0 55.809997 -4.231236
G45 9HP 16 0 55.808055 -4.240636
G45 9HQ 42 0 55.810097 -4.233636
G45 9HR 47 0 55.798709 -4.241567
G45 9HS 24 0 55.811119 -4.228826
G45 9HT 16 0 55.798511 -4.240614
G45 9JA 23 0 55.802756 -4.231061
G45 9JB 16 0 55.803118 -4.23118
G45 9JD 42 0 55.803324 -4.231923