all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G40 4RN 0 55.840988 -4.207168
G40 4RQ 0 55.841134 -4.206058
G40 4RS 0 55.840395 -4.208157
G40 4RW 0 55.840189 -4.207876
G40 4SH 0 55.839518 -4.207183
G40 4SJ 0 55.840909 -4.2083
G40 4TH 0 55.840155 -4.204022
G40 4TJ 0 55.839611 -4.204758
G40 4TP 0 55.839082 -4.203706
G40 4TQ 0 55.839071 -4.204328
G40 4TR 0 55.838609 -4.206043
G40 4AE 2 0 55.842785 -4.225865
G40 4SA 6 0 55.838919 -4.207006
G40 4QY 27 0 55.842312 -4.207757
G40 9AB 1 0 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 9AG 1 1 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 9AS 1 0 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 9AU 0 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 9AW 0 55.832141 -4.170514
G40 9AX 1 0 55.832141 -4.170514