all postcodes in G5 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G5 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G5 8LB 39 3 55.853649 -4.26809
G5 8LG 9 7 55.848647 -4.265132
G5 8LJ 1 0 55.850369 -4.270008
G5 8LN 1 0 55.853846 -4.266663
G5 8LS 1 1 55.849446 -4.266407
G5 8LU 1 1 55.840761 -4.263697
G5 8RS 10 9 55.852474 -4.275437
G5 8NB 10 9 55.849585 -4.267903
G5 8NG 2 2 55.853961 -4.272328
G5 8NL 1 1 55.849515 -4.266796
G5 8NP 15 12 55.855286 -4.274832
G5 8NT 1 1 55.852323 -4.267056
G5 8NX 1 1 55.850172 -4.269215
G5 8PA 1 1 55.849217 -4.269799
G5 8PB 1 1 55.849219 -4.270693
G5 8PH 4 4 55.849728 -4.26986
G5 8PN 45 0 55.853145 -4.270074
G5 8PL 1 1 55.849726 -4.270978
G5 8QB 2 2 55.849619 -4.275797
G5 8QF 2 2 55.849995 -4.275372