all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 3HD 8 8 55.856526 -4.315461
G51 3HE 8 7 55.860492 -4.311542
G51 3HF 3 3 55.852481 -4.318191
G51 3HH 1 1 55.853456 -4.317643
G51 3HN 9 8 55.85798 -4.313469
G51 3HQ 2 2 55.861276 -4.31381
G51 3HR 7 7 55.852034 -4.320163
G51 3HZ 20 19 55.85795 -4.318405
G51 3JG 3 3 55.856227 -4.316546
G51 3JH 7 6 55.854772 -4.317961
G51 3JS 6 6 55.859257 -4.314392
G51 3JW 20 20 55.862756 -4.312044
G51 3JY 1 1 55.86255 -4.31275
G51 3LA 33 8 55.863138 -4.313072
G51 3LB 29 3 55.86309 -4.313677
G51 3LG 37 0 55.86223 -4.318308
G51 3LH 1 1 55.859079 -4.313536
G51 3LL 26 0 55.862024 -4.320661
G51 3LW 38 2 55.859065 -4.31649
G51 3LX 1 1 55.8619 -4.316259