all postcodes in G52 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G52 1SX 36 0 55.846651 -4.329426
G52 1TG 2 0 55.839255 -4.335278
G52 1TH 15 0 55.838273 -4.333796
G52 1TJ 48 0 55.83743 -4.332276
G52 1TL 32 0 55.836743 -4.328657
G52 1TN 48 0 55.836455 -4.32872
G52 1TQ 2 2 55.838584 -4.335126
G52 1TW 1 0 55.832506 -4.329841
G52 1RH 36 0 55.835467 -4.332909
G52 1RD 43 0 55.83617 -4.333766
G52 1RJ 83 0 55.834882 -4.332043
G52 1SA 10 0 55.83483 -4.332424
G52 1SZ 24 0 55.846067 -4.333672
G52 1TA 31 0 55.845749 -4.333381
G52 2AA 30 7 55.846518 -4.358588
G52 2AB 3 0 55.846226 -4.360216
G52 2AD 3 0 55.846567 -4.360237
G52 2AE 14 2 55.847975 -4.360418
G52 2AF 36 0 55.848224 -4.361455
G52 2AG 16 0 55.848716 -4.36179