all postcodes in G53 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G53 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G53 6PE 16 0 55.818054 -4.346076
G53 6PF 30 0 55.818096 -4.347481
G53 6PG 28 1 55.817627 -4.348474
G53 6PJ 18 0 55.816959 -4.339864
G53 6PL 20 0 55.816097 -4.339635
G53 6PN 8 0 55.815362 -4.339048
G53 6PR 24 0 55.814637 -4.340329
G53 6PS 48 0 55.816119 -4.340833
G53 6PU 30 0 55.816679 -4.344475
G53 6PX 28 0 55.816458 -4.344749
G53 6PY 20 0 55.816029 -4.342264
G53 6PZ 7 0 55.815452 -4.341863
G53 6QA 9 0 55.815952 -4.345851
G53 6QB 38 0 55.815016 -4.34305
G53 6QF 10 0 55.815073 -4.345719
G53 6QG 24 0 55.814707 -4.343254
G53 6QH 49 0 55.815224 -4.342535
G53 6QJ 5 0 55.816168 -4.345354
G53 6QL 23 1 55.817347 -4.348569
G53 6QN 34 0 55.814528 -4.344601