all postcodes in G5 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G5 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G5 0LA 32 0 55.843824 -4.241688
G5 0LB 64 0 55.844345 -4.241207
G5 0LG 48 0 55.842917 -4.242626
G5 0LH 21 0 55.841949 -4.243944
G5 0LQ 42 0 55.842415 -4.243029
G5 0NA 68 0 55.84782 -4.242845
G5 0ND 24 3 55.8471 -4.242404
G5 0NE 12 0 55.847112 -4.241512
G5 0NF 10 0 55.847486 -4.242474
G5 0NG 1 1 55.847501 -4.241359
G5 0NH 3 1 55.84691 -4.241003
G5 0NJ 44 1 55.846476 -4.242128
G5 0NL 35 0 55.846206 -4.240196
G5 0NN 36 0 55.846072 -4.240651
G5 0NP 30 0 55.844764 -4.241391
G5 0NQ 29 1 55.847601 -4.241812
G5 0NR 36 0 55.845719 -4.240759
G5 0NS 18 0 55.84568 -4.241459
G5 0NT 18 0 55.845438 -4.240902
G5 0NU 25 0 55.84522 -4.241513