all postcodes in G60 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G60 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G60 5BL 36 0 55.931416 -4.493704
G60 5BQ 4 0 55.931227 -4.494892
G60 5DA 1 0 55.922027 -4.456268
G60 5DD 3 0 55.922185 -4.45511
G60 5DE 12 0 55.921754 -4.45513
G60 5DF 35 0 55.920975 -4.455066
G60 5DH 9 0 55.92149 -4.44988
G60 5DL 4 0 55.921109 -4.450016
G60 5DJ 4 0 55.921228 -4.449479
G60 5DN 5 0 55.921292 -4.450331
G60 5DP 17 0 55.920979 -4.450696
G60 5DQ 34 0 55.921781 -4.452859
G60 5DR 18 0 55.920534 -4.452284
G60 5DS 13 0 55.921044 -4.45238
G60 5DT 18 1 55.920518 -4.454989
G60 5DU 17 1 55.919523 -4.454333
G60 5DW 15 0 55.921394 -4.452419
G60 5DX 2 0 55.917943 -4.449353
G60 5DY 33 0 55.917533 -4.449647
G60 5DZ 42 0 55.917095 -4.449075