all postcodes in G62 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G62 7SD 16 0 55.942233 -4.346517
G62 7SN 24 0 55.941691 -4.321566
G62 7SP 6 0 55.942085 -4.320661
G62 7SR 33 2 55.943653 -4.322469
G62 7SU 24 0 55.943605 -4.32301
G62 7SW 10 0 55.940972 -4.32013
G62 7SX 34 0 55.94347 -4.323979
G62 7SY 6 0 55.944192 -4.324727
G62 7SZ 6 0 55.943225 -4.325517
G62 7TA 9 0 55.942727 -4.32427
G62 7TB 12 0 55.942435 -4.324029
G62 7TD 3 0 55.942149 -4.324908
G62 7TE 33 0 55.941473 -4.322626
G62 7TF 26 0 55.941269 -4.322934
G62 7TG 4 0 55.940554 -4.320825
G62 7TH 5 0 55.939923 -4.321893
G62 7TJ 5 0 55.940326 -4.321981
G62 7TL 2 0 55.939683 -4.32332
G62 7TN 5 0 55.93965 -4.324935
G62 7TP 15 0 55.939335 -4.329207