all postcodes in G63 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G63 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G63 9PE 0 56.038676 -4.393536
G63 9PF 0 56.04069 -4.383174
G63 9PL 1 56.043235 -4.371433
G63 9PS 0 56.029963 -4.38351
G63 9PT 2 56.033665 -4.386821
G63 9PU 1 56.022273 -4.372507
G63 9PX 0 56.042654 -4.367496
G63 9PY 0 56.041504 -4.360907
G63 9PZ 0 56.051171 -4.360181
G63 9QA 0 56.047344 -4.372395
G63 9QB 0 56.058089 -4.372024
G63 9QD 0 56.043203 -4.376794
G63 9QE 0 56.042902 -4.379842
G63 9QF 1 56.042672 -4.379186
G63 9QG 2 56.034831 -4.393793
G63 9QH 0 56.032507 -4.401435
G63 9QL 0 56.02754 -4.415686
G63 9QN 0 56.020748 -4.42638
G63 9QP 0 56.009452 -4.397021
G63 9QQ 0 56.037951 -4.397406