all postcodes in G63 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G63 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G63 0BP 4 0 56.06613 -4.452209
G63 0BQ 6 2 56.064465 -4.450561
G63 0BS 19 0 56.06734 -4.45005
G63 0BT 19 0 56.068624 -4.449634
G63 0BU 26 0 56.068233 -4.450332
G63 0BW 26 1 56.06689 -4.449735
G63 0BX 18 0 56.066637 -4.455533
G63 0BY 15 0 56.067426 -4.455631
G63 0BZ 30 0 56.069136 -4.448316
G63 0DH 9 0 56.046232 -4.447587
G63 0DJ 8 0 56.068926 -4.45221
G63 0DL 26 0 56.069022 -4.45416
G63 0DN 9 0 56.047555 -4.430183
G63 0DP 7 1 56.067081 -4.451785
G63 0DR 27 0 56.067173 -4.454026
G63 0DS 2 0 56.06747 -4.452181
G63 0DT 16 0 56.067766 -4.454032
G63 0DU 1 0 56.067671 -4.453301
G63 0DW 11 0 56.064173 -4.438991
G63 0DX 28 0 56.068348 -4.454035