all postcodes in G64 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G64 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G64 4ET 26 0 55.939319 -4.208628
G64 4EU 8 0 55.938943 -4.210048
G64 4EW 25 0 55.938468 -4.210966
G64 4EX 14 1 55.939499 -4.211299
G64 4EY 4 1 55.940008 -4.203482
G64 4EZ 9 1 55.942787 -4.20388
G64 4HD 1 0 55.947779 -4.190339
G64 4HE 19 0 55.939069 -4.20602
G64 4HF 19 0 55.938966 -4.205294
G64 4HG 13 0 55.93777 -4.208316
G64 4HH 29 0 55.94006 -4.206925
G64 4HJ 21 0 55.939506 -4.206701
G64 4HL 12 0 55.942856 -4.215363
G64 4HN 14 0 55.941448 -4.215219
G64 4HP 4 0 55.941254 -4.206993
G64 4HQ 27 0 55.93811 -4.207423
G64 4HR 30 0 55.942275 -4.2177
G64 4HS 3 0 55.941501 -4.216231
G64 4HW 13 0 55.942212 -4.214174
G64 4JA 13 0 55.941002 -4.2175