all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 4EJ 9 0 55.92749 -4.1688
G66 4EL 50 0 55.926336 -4.169488
G66 4EN 37 0 55.923664 -4.173772
G66 4EP 21 0 55.924115 -4.17519
G66 4EQ 28 0 55.925332 -4.173946
G66 4ER 1 1 55.942342 -4.165134
G66 4EW 25 0 55.924522 -4.174044
G66 4GN 10 0 55.927429 -4.156919
G66 4HA 5 0 55.929982 -4.156388
G66 4HB 10 0 55.929674 -4.155491
G66 4HD 9 0 55.929474 -4.156664
G66 4HE 5 0 55.929479 -4.155864
G66 4HF 4 0 55.929383 -4.155398
G66 4HG 6 0 55.92912 -4.15634
G66 4HH 5 0 55.928897 -4.157241
G66 4HJ 16 0 55.928628 -4.159291
G66 4HL 14 0 55.929352 -4.157442
G66 4HN 17 1 55.927175 -4.157561
G66 4HP 11 0 55.925727 -4.159177
G66 4HQ 9 0 55.928669 -4.155419