all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 4NL 30 0 55.923739 -4.152072
G66 4NN 10 0 55.924472 -4.149231
G66 4NP 3 0 55.925121 -4.147074
G66 4NQ 23 0 55.924983 -4.145674
G66 4NR 2 0 55.925044 -4.149123
G66 4NS 1 0 55.925356 -4.148544
G66 4NT 8 0 55.925989 -4.147795
G66 4NU 2 0 55.926661 -4.149132
G66 4NW 7 0 55.924731 -4.148269
G66 4NX 3 0 55.925352 -4.149248
G66 4NY 28 0 55.92487 -4.152183
G66 4NZ 3 0 55.925956 -4.152787
G66 4PA 14 0 55.925224 -4.151466
G66 4PB 3 0 55.925486 -4.150312
G66 4PD 21 0 55.925517 -4.151626
G66 4PE 32 0 55.926171 -4.151262
G66 4PF 3 0 55.925201 -4.149688
G66 4PG 6 0 55.926424 -4.153726
G66 4PQ 1 0 55.926936 -4.153258
G66 4QA 2 0 55.931115 -4.153974