all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 4RS 4 0 55.928489 -4.152319
G66 4RT 9 0 55.927754 -4.149141
G66 4RU 18 0 55.927728 -4.151157
G66 4RW 8 0 55.929799 -4.152952
G66 4RX 9 0 55.928111 -4.151818
G66 4SP 7 0 55.920146 -4.176008
G66 4SR 14 0 55.919442 -4.179249
G66 4TA 1 0 55.926882 -4.180836
G66 4TB 1 0 55.929701 -4.188582
G66 4UB 3 0 55.922289 -4.173759
G66 4UD 5 0 55.921584 -4.174504
G66 4UE 19 0 55.921535 -4.172693
G66 4UF 4 0 55.921597 -4.173752
G66 4UG 10 0 55.921293 -4.173639
G66 4UH 21 0 55.92085 -4.173791
G66 4UJ 6 0 55.92199 -4.172862
G66 4UL 25 0 55.920855 -4.171982
G66 4YF 1 1 55.942347 -4.165147
G66 4BF 15 0 55.926121 -4.16663